

Equip was a project of going from 0 to 1. I was connected in 2018 with Dan, the founder of Equip, through the talent network Toptal. Dan who was working on a new job board designed to the needs of construction workers, and needed a thought partner to help define his idea and build an MVP.


The first step in the process is to understand the target audience and the competition. With Dan's direction, I studied a few competitor apps, and defined proto-personas for the 2-sided marketplace: one for the contractor looking for jobs, and one for the construction company owner looking to hire. With a clear understand of the problem space, we started architecting the system over a series of meetings in which we discussed feature ideas and synthesize them on a mind map (made in Coggle; see below). This mapping exercise helps maintain a high-level view of the solution without getting lost in the details of how any particular screen looks like. Also, the map outlines the entire system, not just the parts that made it in the MVP, which helped us build a future-proof solution that scales well, and start a product roadmap for all the features that where left out of v1.

Daniel Cline
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