Reach product-market fit faster with the right design partner

All your design needs, from interface design to branding, for a flat monthly fee. Delivery starts 48 hours after kick-off.

As simple as it gets — enjoy all our design services for a flat monthly fee

See our plans
Delivery starts 48 hrs. after our kick-off call. No time wasted.
No template work. Everything we make is tailored to your needs.
Get unlimited revisions until you're 200% happy. No compromises.
We're always available in Slack. Updates are sent every 48 hrs.

Save over $60.000/year on design services with no compromise on quality.

Add a senior UI/UX designer to your team in days, not weeks. The best part? It’s 50% cheaper than hiring.

An average senior designer in the US gets paid $150.000 per year + benefits. We do it for half that. And we're not average.

What’s the catch?
There is none. In addition to over a decade of experience, we develop processes and resources that help us deliver faster and better.

Book a discovery call

Trusted by
top product leaders

5-star rating on Clutch
Matt Mochary
CEO coach

Contrast is an amazing design partner for any start-up looking to level up their digital products.

How we helped Matt

Partnering with Matt's team, we helped develop features for their novel productivty app. Designed for efficient team meetings, the app enforces alignment and accountability. Our rapid design iterations helped Matt get closer to the realisation of his vision.

Sebastien Huppe
Founder, Cogny

Contrast Studio is the real deal when it comes to design work.

How we helped Sebastien

We partnered with Sebastien and his team at pivotal moment in the start-up journey. Since April 2023 we've been working together to develop a new tool for knowledge workers in the audit industry to streamline and simplify their research work.

Simon Laurent
Founder, Havr

Contrast Studio's work resulted in a 53% quarterly growth rate.

How we helped Simon

Back in 2019, Simon spearheaded a startup focusing on a cutting-edge smart lock and a suite of accompanying apps. We teamed up with his crew to swiftly iterate on these apps, enhancing current features and pioneering new ones, inching them closer to product-market fit.

Thought partners helping you navigate uncertainty

Entrepreneurship is a tough game. We saw great ideas fail because of poor execution.

That's where we come in. Team up with us and gain a seasoned design partner who'll steer you clear of newbie blunders and pave the way for future growth. We've got all your design needs covered, from interface design, to brand identity design, and marcom design.

Get a taste of how we can help

Book a free discovery call to learn how we can help you “outdesign” your competition without breaking the bank.

Book a discovery call

Take one of only 5 client seats

Get the VIP treatment. With us, you're not just another client. You're one of only 5 handpicked partners. We intentionally limit bandwidth to make sure you get the attention you deserve.

See our plans
We helped partners raise
$15mil.+ in funding
We've been around for
10+ years
We worked across
8 timezones

Web and Mobile App UI/UX
High-Converting Websites
Design Systems
Brand Identity Design
Brand Guidelines
Pitch Decks
Social Media Graphics
and more...

Curious to see more of our work?
Head over to Instagram to see snapshots of some of the stuff we're working on.
Go to Instagram
About the studio
Contrast is an interface and brand design studio from Bucharest, Romania. It was founded in 2023 by Călin Balea - a designer with over a decade of experience in working with start-ups to create delightful products and lovable brands.
Pricing plans
3 of 5 client seats available
Best for getting a list of tasks done. All async.
Access to all our design services
Updates sent every 2 days
Project management in Notion
Book a call
2-week trial
Minimise risk and make sure we're the right fit for you.
Access to all our design services
Updates sent every 2 days
60-min. kick-off call
Project management in Notion
Integration with your dev and product teams
Developer documentation for all our work
We join your Slack and respond daily
Book a call
Almost like having a full-time designer on your team.
Everything in Starter
Integration with your dev and product teams
Developer documentation for all our work
We join your Slack and respond daily
Up to 90 min/week for calls
Webflow development
Book a call
Need something else? Let's talk.
Email us
Start live chat
Not included: fees for card payments or wire transfers.

Frequently asked questions

How much can you get done in a week?

It's tough to predict exactly how much we can accomplish in a week. It all hinges on several factors, like the completeness of the task description we receive and whether we have all the necessary client-side assets (logos, fonts, etc.).

For instance, if we have everything we need, we can whip up a landing page design or iterate on a new product feature within 48 hours. To mitigate risk on your end and ensure we meet expectations, we're offering a two-week trial period.

Why should I work with you?

Firstly, we pride ourselves on our efficiency and focus. We deliver 80% of the value with 20% of the effort, which means that we can work quickly and remain focused on achieving results.

Secondly, we believe in speaking our minds and keeping our clients in check. Sometimes, employees may feel uncomfortable about speaking up, but we do not have that issue. As we are not dependent on any single client, we can express our opinions in a respectful manner without fear of negative consequences.

Finally, we are more than just a service provider. With over a decade of experience, we have the expertise to be a valuable thought partner. We are not only here to complete projects, but also to contribute to strategy and decision making.

How many hours are included in the subscription packages?

We're all about value, not clock-watching. Our packages are focused on delivering results, not counting minutes. In fact, speed is our ally – the quicker we get it done, the more valuable it is for you. Expect updates or task completions every 2 days.

Also, don't worry, we're not spreading ourselves thin. We keep our client list short and sweet, giving you the VIP treatment. Your project gets the love and attention it truly deserves.

What do you do best?

We specialize in digital product design, namely UI, UX, and Brand Design. So far we've designed dozens of apps for both web and mobile. Our capabilities cover the entire design process, from product strategy to high-fidelity interface design. We love a good challenge. Try us.

How are you different from other design agencies?

We're partners in your journey, not just service providers. We become embedded in your team, take ownership, and self-organize to deliver on projects that help achieve business goals. We're also a membership-based studio, meaning we have a limited number of seats. This allows us to focus on giving each client the best experience possible.

You're expensive. Why does it cost so much?

Our price is a reflection of the value we're confident we can provide. A senior designer costs around $140k/yr (+benefits). We can provide the same service (or even better) for half that cost, helping you potentially save over $60.000 per year.

Why wouldn't I just hire a full-time designer. Why do I need you?

Absolutely! If you come across a talented designer that fits your needs, we encourage you to bring them on board. We're rooting for our designer friends.

However, finding top-notch talent can be difficult and time-consuming. Even if you do find the right fit, there's a lot to deal with - paperwork, taxes, labor laws, etc. It can be quite a hassle. On the other hand, we're ready at a moment's notice (if we still have client seats available).

Who are the designers on your team?

Contrast Studio was founded by Calin, a designer with over a decade of experience working with companies all over the US and Western Europe. Most of the work is done by him. When necessary, we expand our bandwidth and capabilities with the help of other top-notch designers.

Can we have a quick call to see if we're a good fit?

Definitely! In fact, we require a call before we take on a client. Please book an initial consultation to get started.
